When you are considering building a house in Festus MO, Farmington MO or Ste Genevieve MO there are some things that you should be aware of before you find a contractor and before you start building. Consider asking your contractor the following questions to ensure you get the most out of your home building experience.
What Can I Expect to Pay?
Make sure that your contractor is up front with you when it comes to the costs of building your home. While it is nearly impossible to get an exact amount of what your home will cost, a ball park estimate is good.
Can I See Your Other Work?
A good contractor will be proud to show off the work they have done in the past. They will have examples of places they have looked at and will be able to give you an idea of their work.
Are Your Other Clients Happy?
Contractors who do a good job are not afraid to have their clients let everyone else know. Consider getting referrals from the company of previous clients you can talk to about what they experienced while they were working with your contractor.
Will You Build to Code?
It is important to make sure that your contractor is working hard to build your home up to the specific codes of your area. Make sure they will be able to follow all of the building codes that are specific to your area.
Is it Guaranteed?
While a contractor may not be able to guarantee your entire house, they should be able to guarantee the work that they do. They will give you an idea of how well they stand behind their work and what exactly they stand behind.
Choosing the right contractor can feel like a dream come true, but remember it may be too good to be true. Ask your contractor these important questions to get a feel for the type of service you are going to get from them and to ensure your home is built properly.